Find the best safety razor for you!

Find the best safety razor for you!

With the pandemic, subsequent lockdown and salons closing, DIY beauty and grooming has become the order of the day. From shaving your legs and underarms to doing your bikini line, the tool that many women have turned to over the pandemic is the safety razor. More and more women are adding safety razors to their grooming kits and it’s easy to see why. It’s good for sensitive skin, easy on the environment, quick to use, and best of all, gives you the desired results. Whether you’re looking for a little maintenance or a smooth finish, here’s a comprehensive guide on all you need to know about using a safety razor.  

Are safety razors safe?

Yes. It’s in the name.

When it comes to shaving, more isn’t always better. Dermatologists suggest using a razor with fewer blades. You are far more likely to cut, irritate, or cause ingrown hairs when you use a multi-blade razor because each blade is cutting lower than the blade before it. When you use a safety razor, you cut the hair at the skin level, resulting in less irritation and a smoother shave. 

Can I use a safety razor on my bikini line?


And while most women have usually left the area down there to the experts, over the last two years, women have had to take matters into their own hands – quite literally. Many shudder at the idea of painful waxing (you’ve got to have nerves of steel), time consuming and agonising epilating or the not-so-pleasant scent of chemical hair removal creams when it comes to their bikini line. The answer: A safety razor. 

While many women have been told that using a razor on the bikini line is not ideal, that mindset is now changing and with good reason. ‘What if I cut myself? Will the hair grow back thicker?’ are some of the areas of apprehension. But, using a good safety razor like the Rockwell double edge safety razor is proven to be one of the best ways to get rid of unwanted hair on your bikini line.  

Is a safety razor good for sensitive skin down there?


Waxing is harsh on the skin because it rips out the hair from the roots. Epilating has been known to cause a lot of ingrowths. And using chemical hair removal creams is just not the right choice for sensitive skin. Shaving with a safety razor is the ideal choice especially if you have sensitive skin. 

While genital area is sensitive and prone to nicks, cuts and shave irritation, a flexible safety razor can change all that. And thanks to its adjustable settings, you can change the angle of the blade for the kind of shave you want. With the Rockwell double edge safety razor, we recommend you stick to the R1-R3 shave settings if you are prone to nicks. 

Can I use a safety razor to shave my legs?


A safety razor is great to use on your body! While we don’t recommend sharing razors, investing in your own safety razor (the Rockwell Razor now comes in Rose Gold) will be a great addition to your grooming kit. It’s ideal for shaving your legs. While it can seem intimidating at first, with a little practice and a good safety razor, you will be a pro in no time.

A few tips when it comes to shaving your legs, be patient, don’t use too much pressure and hold the razor at a 30-40 degree angle from your skin. When it comes to tricky areas such as knees and ankles, go slow. Shave your legs in a direction that suits you. Some women like the go with the grain of the hair, which is more gentle, while others prefer to go against it, which results in a smoother, closer shave. See what works best for your legs. 

What about my underarms?


A good double edge safety razor can be used across your body! Underarms are contoured, so using a sharp blade is key to getting a smooth finish. When you use a disposable or multi blade razor it often means you’re going over the same area a few times – not ideal for a good shave. 

Raise your arm above your head, pull the skin taut and shave. A good quality safety razor like the Rockwell Razor, gives you a smooth finish in one go. Using a double edge safety razor on your underarms offers a close shave, prevents ingrowths and can help you create a great bath time ritual. 

How to use a safety razor?

Step 1: Apply shave gel

To kick things off, you’re going to apply the shaving cream or gel to the shave area. You can go for the Rockwell Shave Cream - Barbershop Scent. Not only will this gel help your razor glide effortlessly over your skin, but it’s made up of natural ingredients and soothing oils to prepare even the coarsest hair for a close, quality shave.

Step 2: Loading your safety razor

Carefully open the blade packaging, and be sure to grab the blade from the sides, not the sharpened edges. (But you knew that.) Next, pop the head of your razor, open and place the blade on the top of the razor head. 

Step 3: Lock and load. 

Attach the bottom of the razor head under the blade, and screw the razor handle back on. Now, you’re ready to rock.

Step 4: Let it glide.

Start off slowly, and check the angle that works best with your skin and hair length. As go one shaving, make sure you’re washing off the residue each time it gets full of trimmings.

Will the hair grow thicker if I shave?


It’s a myth that shaving increases hair growth or thickness of the hair. Since all the hair is being removed in one sleek motion, when it grows back, it appears together which makes you * think * that the hair has come back thicker. Also, unshaven hair has a finer, blunter tip and when you experience hair re-growth, you’ll see the coarser base and not the softer, thinner part that will eventually come out.

Is there anything I need to keep in mind while shaving?


Like everything, well begun is half done. When it comes to shaving, make sure you keep a few things in mind before bringing out the blade. You need to make sure your skin is prepped to give yourself the best shave. 

Pre- shave: Starting off with a shower is the best way as the hot water can help your pores open up, making it easier for the razor to smoothly glide over your skin. Also, we recommend using a new blade to ensure you get the best out of your shave as a dull blade can drag on the area, creating friction and bumps. Use a loofah, washcloth, or exfoliating sponge to gently exfoliate your skin before shaving. This helps remove any dead skin and allow you to shave the hair as near to the root as possible.

During shave: Apply a generous amount of shaving cream or gel to the areas you want to shave. When it comes to your genital area, it’s best to use a fragrance-free shaving cream. Next, shave in the direction of the hair growth (not against it) as this avoids irritating the hair follicles. 

Post shave: Use a soothing balm or moisturizer. Going natural with aloe or coconut nut oil is also a great option as an after shave solution for your bikini area.

Is it better to own a safety razor?


It’s better for the environment, it’s better for your skin, and it’s better for your budget. 

While the initial cost of purchasing the razor may be expensive in comparison to buying one cartridge razor, the razor pays for itself in the long run. A plastic razor may seem affordable at the initial purchase but cartridge replacements can get quite expensive. With a Rockwell razor, the replacement blades are great quality and last for 4-7 shaves depending on your hair. And each blade costs just 10¢! 

Safety razors are built to last which means you will be saving money in the long run too. And you’ll be doing your bit for the environment as well when you switch from razors. It’s estimated that two billion razors end up in landfills every year. Going reusable can lessen your carbon footprint dramatically!

Is it easy to take care of my safety razor?


Use a blade 4-7 times before changing it. When you notice it’s gotten a little dull or not giving you as smooth a shave, it’s time to put in a new blade. 

While it can seem intimidating at first, if you follow the proper steps, it’s easy. 

Hold the head of the razor using a towel at the side tabs with your forefinger and thumb. Next, gently twist the handle of the razor, loosening it from the head. When the handle has fully disconnected with the razor, lift up the numbered base plate and you'll be left with the top cap and a blade. Remove the blade from the top cap of the razor by lifting it off the side tabs. 

When you secure the head of the safety razor back into position, make sure to not over-tighten the head as this could lead to potential wear of the handle's threading over long periods of time. 

When it comes to disposing off old blades, Rockwell Razor has a great solution, The Rockwell Blade Safe. Drop your razor blade through the piggy bank like slot and once it’s filled up with used blades, tape it shut and put it in with the recycling. It's 100% eco friendly and recyclable.

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